October 14, 2008

More pictures!

My 3 cuties on the way to the park:
Ezra and his little Oscar. Me and my grandma. I hope I look this good at 82!!!!!
We got away for a weekend with no kids and just some friends in our RV - we had a blast!!

Hey maybe i will really start to post more! Here are a few recent photos:

October 9, 2008

Working Mommies!!

I just wanted to give a shout out to a few of my friends that have their own businesses! My friend Carmen has started a new organizing business. Guess who was her first client -yep me! lol! She does a fantastic job and is super non-judgemental. She works alongside you to clean up areas. So far we have worked on our garage (huge job) and the boys' rooms. Here is her business card. If you live in the Portland area, give her a call!:

My friend Carrie started PaperTrunk over a year ago. PaperTrunk offers awesome 2 sided scrapbook papers, 12" border stamps, chipboard circles, and new jots! Check out her website for more information! She also has just recently started designing blog headers, etc. You can check her etsy site out here: http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5349846.

My friend Leah has her own photography business and does a great job! I am hoping to work in some fall family photos! If you want her information, email me!

Another friend of mine, Mindee, has started a company called Boogie Wipes with a partner. They have got some fantastic marketing and exposure! The wipes have saline in them to help with runny noses! http://www.boogiewipes.com/

I think it takes a lot to be a mom as well as a business owner! I know from personal experience how challenging yet rewarding it can be!!! Oh yeah and if you are new here, I have a scrapbooking business, http://www.personalscrapper.com/! lol lol

Way to go girls!!! I am proud of all of you!

October 7, 2008


Wow - I am really really slacking on the whole blogging. I know why! I have just been living life! I haven't pressured myself to sit down and blog. Instead, I have been super busy being soccer mom :), business owner, wife, friend, daughter, granddaughter, etc. etc.

We had a fantastic summer! I have so many memories (and pictures!).

Tonight we went to Andrew and Cameron's conferences. I am super proud of my boys. They always get great reports from their teachers. Its not just the doing well with schoolwork but working well with others & being helpful! They both are math whizzes too!